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Helping Agents Find Success Faster: The New On-Demand 60-Day Accelerator.

Jul 17, 2023

It’s always challenging to start a new career in real estate.

With only 13 out of 100 new agents succeeding in real estate, I often ask myself - why do some new agents succeed while others fail?

I believe a huge part of success hinges on simply knowing how to start the journey strong. Many new agents complain that they feel lost in the business from Day 1. They have no idea what to do – and depending on what brokerage they join – help can be hard to find.

 The lack of good coaching and guidance for new agents motivated us to create an on-demand version of our 60-Day New Agent Accelerator program. We’ve been doing live versions of the 60-Day New Agent Accelerator for a while now and are super excited to now have this self-paced, on-demand option for new agents that are struggling to gain traction.


Why We Created the On-Demand 60-Day Accelerator:

  1. Greater Flexibility! The schedule of a busy real estate agent can make it difficult to attend set online meeting times. Having the Accelerator available when you’re available is of great benefit!
  2. Self-Paced Progress! We all work in different gears. Some of our new agents want to move through the program in less than 60 days, while others are content to take it a little slower. There’s no right or wrong way to progress, but completing the Accelerator at your pace is a big plus!
  3. Re-Watching Critical Coaching Sessions! It’s easy to miss details in a live class setting – but with on-demand coaching, you’re one click away from re-reading or re-watching resources that are most helpful to you.
  4. Affordability! We understand money can be tight when launching a new real estate career. We wanted to make our coaching accessible to all new agents.

If you feel stuck in your real estate career, the 60-Day New Agent Accelerator could be the missing piece that helps you gain traction and momentum as an agent. 

To learn more about the on-demand 60-Day New Agent Accelerator, you can try the first day for free here

Here’s to the next chapter of helping new agents find success faster! 



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Don't Stay Stuck as an Agent!

Join the next TopNotch Agents Agent Accelerator on May 1st!

1. Apply for the 60-Day New Agent Accelerator
Our 8-Week course will help you nail your transition into real estate.

 2. Attend Live Coaching on Mondays
We meet virtually on Mondays at 12:00pm EST for coaching, Q&A's, and to assign important action items.

3Build Your Business the Rest of the Week  
Take action on what you learn from Monday's coaching and dive into the TopNotch curriculum.


Apply for the Next 60-Day Accellerator